El Nadeem Center against Violence and Torture
Category Archive Page Title

Joint Statements

Egyptian Rights’ Organizations Demand Independent investigation into torture allegations

The undersigned organizations call for an immediate, independent investigation into growing claims of the brutal torture and sexual assault of detainees held in prisons and police stations in Egypt after their arrest in demonstrations on January 25th, the third anniversary of the Egyptian revolution. We ask that the estimated 1,000 detainees undergo an immediate medical exams and that a delegation of the undersigned organizations be permitted to conduct an independent, unconditional visit to detention facilities and meet…

The Verdict against Maher, Doma and Adel… The Judiciary politicized and converted into one of the Authority’s Security Tools

December 23, 2013 The undersigned organizations condemn the verdict issued Sunday December 22nd, 2013, by the Abdeen Court in case number 9593 for 2013 Misdemeanor Abdeen Cases, against Ahmed Maher, the previous Coordinator of April 6 Youth Movement; Mohamed Adel, the Media Representative of the same movement, and volunteer in the media unit of the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR); and Ahmed Doma, Political Activist and previous member of the High Council for Culture, where the aforementioned were…